Plastic Free July: 5 Tips to Reduce Plastic Usage

Plastic Free July: 5 Tips to Reduce Plastic Usage

July marks the start of Plastic Free July, a global movement helping millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution. As a business using ocean plastic for our swimwear designs, we are determined to help fight plastic pollution. That's why we have a few tips lined up for you on how you can reduce plastic with some easy changes.


1. Reduce Takeaway Plastics

Whether you are popping into Starbucks for your daily coffee fix or ordering your usual Friday night takeaway, they probably both include single use plastics. Small things like coffee cups, plastic food containers or straws have a huge impact environment. You can reduce these single use plastics easily by bringing your own reusable mug. Most coffee places now actually offer you a discount when you do- we love that!


2. Avoid Plastic in the Supermarket

In the supermarket it is almost impossible to avoid plastic. Vegetables, cheese, fish, even bags of rice or pasta or bread are often always in plastic packaging. Shopping and supporting locals often helps, you can bring your own food container to your local deli, whether you need fresh fish or meat- shop owners are happy to weigh your items in your own food containers. Local independent bakeries often supply bread in classic brown paper bags, again minimizing waste. Another reason to shop and support local!


3. Reducing Plastic at Home

Toothbrushes are actually one of the plastic things most often found in the ocean. They take years to compost and often end up polluting the environment. Luckily there are many eco-friendly options available, made of materials such as bamboo for example.

Also shower gels, soap and body lotion packaging often ends up in the ocean. There are many brands out there offering eco friendly or plastic free soaps and beauty products. One of the most famous and easily accessible probably being Lush! They also have a great recycling scheme, where you get discount if you bring back your empty pots- win, win if you ask us!


4. Invest in Plastic Free Alternatives

As we mentioned above, there are many alternative, eco friendly options for plastics. Get rid of your plastic water bottle and get a reusable one instead! There are a lot of refill places popping up, even in big department stores such as Selfridges you can now fill your water bottle in-store.


5. Be Prepared

Preparation is half the work. When you go out shopping, bring your own bags so you don't need to buy a plastic carrier bag. When you go out for coffee, don't forget your own mug and don't forget your water bottle when you're on the go!


If you need more tips or inspiration,Plastic Free July provides resources and ideas to help you (and millions of others around the world) reduce single-use plastic waste everyday at home, work, school, and even at your local café. You can sign up for the challenge via their website, it is never too late to start! 

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