7 Tips to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainable consumption is about using material products, energy and immaterial services in a way that it minimizes the impact on the environment. In other words, its about doing more and better with less. In this blogpost we have lined up a few tips on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
1. Recycle
Of course we are starting with this one, as our brand plays an important role in this. For our swimwear we use recycled ocean plastic and ghost fishing nets, and with this we aim to help turn waste problems into solutions. But as consumers we can play a great part in this too. Make sure you recycle your waste and dispose of items in the correct bins, decompost sites or waste collection areas.
2. Reuse
In the age of Instagram, often the millennial generation does not want to be seen in the same outfit twice, or at least not on the social networks. However, reusing products and especially clothes would have a great positive impact on a sustainable lifestyle. Make sure to buy products or clothes that are multifunctional, or give products or clothes a second life by selling or donating to charities.
3. Go Fair Trade
Fairtrade products are produced by companies that offer decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. Fairtrade also ensures environmental protection and educates farmers on environmental friendly production methods.
4. Ditch the car
Try to take the bike or walk to short distance destinations more often. It is a win-win situation, because it also makes sure that you are getting some exercise in!
5. Support Local and Sustainable Businesses
Support the locals! Small (sustainable) businesses are working hard to provide fair, good quality products. It might cost more, but if you buy quality products they will last longer.
6. Change your Diet
In order to live more sustainable, eating less meat is essential in reducing your carbon footprint. Another food related sustainability issue is the amount of food we waste. Did you know that in the UK alone we throw away 7.3 million tonnes of food each year? Not only is this a huge waste of money and food, it also adds CO2 in landfills.
7. Consume Less but Better
Try to cut down on using energy by turning of devices you are not using. In addition, try to cut down water usage and drink tapwater instead of bottled.
When we try to consume less but better products, it will already make a huge difference! If you have any other tips, feel free to leave them in the comments :)