How to protect the ocean on holiday

How to protect the ocean on holiday

We are traveling more, throughout the whole year and to further destinations. This rise in tourists takes a tole on nature and wildlife, especially our oceans. There are things you might not knew before that are damaging, but with small adjustments it is easy to be more sustainable while on holiday. Here are a few tips:


1. Use Biodegradable Sunscreen

Each year, 14,000 tonnes of toxic sunscreen enter the seas, and these toxic chemicals endanger marine life. It affects the growth of coral reefs and harms all marine life. In Mexico for example, a popular snorkeling spot has affected wildlife so badly, most turtles now have tumors and cancers as a result of the toxic chemicals in the water. With a small change of using biodegradable sunscreen we can prevent this from happening. Also, make sure to shower before going in the water if possible to wash of any other cosmetic products that could be harmful.


2. Limit Use of Plastic

Everybody knows by now that plastic pollution in the ocean is a massive problem. Not only does it include big pieces of plastic and ghost fishing nets, it also includes micro plastics. Of all the plastic in the ocean, plastic bottles is a massive problem, something that can easily be reduced simply by bringing your own reusable water bottle that you can refill. Other plastic such as food wrappers make sure to place these in the appropriate bins.


3. Respect Wildlife

As tempting as it might be to try to get as close as possible with wildlife and try to interact with them, don't. This will cause stress and harm to the animals. At all times, the best way to enjoy wildlife and nature is to observe from a safe distance.


4. Don't Take any Corals or Seashells

By now most people are aware of the damage of taking pieces of coral home as a souvenir, but the same goes for seashells. Once washed up ashore, seashells still serve a purpose: hermit crabs might use the shells as temporary homes as they grow, but also over time the shells break down into sand, which helps sustain the sand on the beach so we can keep coming back each year.


If you have other tips, don;t forget to share them in the comments!

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